Bayles' Faculty and Staff

The district's websites for Curriculum Central, Gradespeed, Aesop, Vita, and Oracle can be accessed by one of the links below. These websites are restricted to DISD employees only.

Grade Level Meeting Forms Download Link
1st Grade FormDownload
2nd Grade FormDownload
3rd Grade FormDownload
4th Grade FormDownload
5th Grade FormDownload
Specials Grade FormDownload
Special Education Grade FormDownload

Respond to Interventions File
Parent Letter for Initial Meeting: Invitations to parents to meet and assist.Download
October 2011 PowerPoint Presentation: Contains information for HR Teachers on how to start grouping the students for the Initial Meetings and stages of the RTI.Download

Data and Analysis Forms File
Bayles SMART Goal Worksheet by Teacher: This identifies strategies, action steps, timelines, and evidence of effectiveness, reality and goals.Download
Class Data Spreadsheet: This document is used by the HR teacher to identify and analyze data from common assessments.Download
Generic Progress ReportDownload

Tier Tracking Forms and Other Information Excel File
This Tier Tracking form is for: Kindergarten through 1st Grade. This form can be used for any subject area.Download
This Tier Tracking form is for: Grade 2 through Grade 5. This form can be used for any subject area.Download
Step By Step on how to login to the Server and save your tracking form there. Download
Student Data Analysis sheet developed by Ms. Bowlin and the first grade team.Download

File Name and Description Adobe Acrobat PDF Form You Can Type In
PDAS Self Report Form Part 1
This form is used by each teacher. Part I to be turned in at the beginning of the year. and Part II at the end of the year. Adobe Reader is all you need to edit this form. Please save it with your last name and PT1 (example: MairsPT1.pdf) before emailing to your evaluator.
PDAS Self Report Form Part 2
This form is used by each teacher. Part II to be turned in at the end of the year. Please save it with your last name and PT2 (example: MairsPT2.pdf) before emailing to your evaluator.
The Entire Form
If for some reason you want the entire form with both parts in one document.
Student Referral Form
This form is used by the staff member to turn in a student for a discipline problem. You can type in the fields using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

File Name and Description Word DocumentAppleWorks File
Hall Pass One
This is one type of hall pass you can reproduce and use.
Hall Pass Two
This is a second type of hall pass you can reproduce and use.
Short Cut Keys for Creating Spanish Characters and Accent Marks
This has a chart of all the key combinations to make special accent marks. It also details how to program Microsoft Word to use a key such as the ALT with the letter or symbol to do the same thing. This includes both Windows and Apple shortcuts.
DownloadNot Available
Daily Points Sheet
This is a form to document students behavior.
DownloadPDF Copy
Parent Conference Form
This is a form to use during a parent conference.
DownloadPDF Copy

Copier and Technology Issues PDF File or File
This is an executable file that will uninstall Kaspersky and Install ForeFront Antivirus. Please download and save to you desktop and then run it from there.
OCE 1075 Copier Steps
OCE 1075 Print Driver
OCE's Information Sheet
How to Access Outlook Exchange on the iPhone or iPad

You can access your Outlook email on both the Apple iPad and iPhone. There are Apps for this, but the mail app works great. Go to Settings, Mail Contacts and Calendars, Choose Add an Account, Choose Microsoft Exchange Account. Enter your email address and password. For server you can let it find one or enter or the one in the handout I gave you at the beginning of school.
No Download
Technology Issues or Problems

Please email David Watson directly at and copy me on the email.
Ms. Tafur is asking that you please fill out the form you can download on this page. Another option is to use this form and fax it to them. This Adobe pdf file will allow you to type in the fields, print and fax it to: (972) 925-5761. Please put a copy in my box or email me so I can follow up on it as well.

5th Grade Forms and Documents Document
Progress Report Form: Given to each student in the middle of the 6 weeks.Download
After School Form in both English and SpanishDownload
Parental Notice: Given when there is a continuing problem.Download

Steps for Grade Entry PDF File
GradeSpeed Steps
This Adobe pdf file contains the steps you need to follow to successfully enter your grades using GradeSpeed.
Steps to Turn PopUp Blocker off in Your Browser
This Adobe pdf file contains the steps you need to follow to successfully disable the popup blocker in Internet Explorer and Firefox.
These are the old steps
This Adobe pdf file contains the steps you need to follow to successfully enter your grades.
Tips and Tricks
This Adobe pdf file contains some tips, passwords, and easy fixes you can do.
Floor Plan
This Adobe pdf file contains the most current floor plan in color.
GradeSpeed Tutorials
This website has several tutorials that will walk you through different parts of GradeSpeed. You will also find handouts and other frequently asked questions.
Take Me There
Overriding a Cycle Grade
This Adobe pdf file contains steps on how to override a grade in GradeSpeed.

Helpful Websites Link To Go There
This page is a forum to find helpful ideas about how to use the Smartboards and Document Cameras. It also has a section for Office.Take Me There
District page with a lot of web based tutorials on Groupwise, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, and other applications.Take Me There
A webpage I wrote with a lot of useful links.Take Me There
Bayles Elementary School Library's Site Take Me There
Math Worksheets for All Levels Take Me There
Math Worksheet Creator (all math areas) Take Me There
K-2 Websites
This Word document contains a list of web sites that help the K-2 with their curriculum areas.
3-5 Websites
This Word document contains a list of web sites that help the 3-5 with their curriculum areas.
Interactive Websites That Use The Interactive Whiteboards (Smart Boards)
This Word document contains a list of interactive web sites that can be used with the Smart Board.
Teach With VITA is a wonderful interactive website to use for bell ringers and White Board Activities. The Username is: dallasvita, and the Password is: instruction.Click Here to Visit

Things To RememberWhat To Do
If you have a copy of Office installed on your computer in your classroom, you may be eligible to get a copy for your use at home use for twenty dollars. This is through the TIP Work at Home Program through EnPointe Technologies. Current copies available are Office 2010 for Windows and Office 2011 for Apple. You are eligible for only one you can not get both. You will need a personal credit card to make this purchase. Download the form, fill out and fax or email to the number/email on the form. The media will be shipped only to the school.Download

ARI Forms Word Document
Parent/Permission Letter K-2
Parent and permission letter sent to K-2 to explain the program.
Parent/Permission Letter 3-5
Parent and permission letter sent to 3-5 to explain the program.
Lesson Plan Form
Lesson Plan form to be turned in weekly by tutors.
Tutor Information Form
Tutor information form must be filled out by anyone doing tutoring.
ARI Guidelines and Things to Remember
This includes the guidelines and a list of things to remember if you are an ARI tutor.

If you would like to send us a message, please click

This web site was written and designed by Barbara Mairs. If you notice any problems, please let me know by email.